The GISC would like to thank everyone who took the time to purchase tickets for the Christmas and New Year draw.
Congratulations go to Grant Trebble from Barbados who won the £100 first prize as well as a £25 Marks and Spencer voucher.
The full list of winners can be found below.

2018 Christmas and New Year Draw Winners
£100 in cash - Grant Trebble - Barbados
One pair of Watch, Wine and Dine tickets for Gillingham FC - Lucy - Rochester
One pair of Watch, Wine and Dine tickets for Gillingham FC - Colin Wood - Rochester
Bayliss Day Breaks trip to Bruges for two people - Jez Wallington - Rochester
Gillingham Golf Club round of golf for four people - Mr D Bird - Chatham
Leeds Castle Family Entry - Two adults and three children - Dean Sutcliffe - Brasenose Club
Rare Breeds Centre Family Entry - Mr R G Orpin - Devon
£25 Marks and Spencers Voucher - Grant Trebble - Barbados
£10 Amazon Gift Voucher - Martin Bunker - PayPal
Two free tickets to Cineworld for a film of your choice (Wednesday's only) - Daniel - Rainham
Fort Amherst Tunnel Tour - Two adults and three children - Gerry Jasper - Rochester
Soar Trampoline Park Solo Bounce Voucher - P Rowbotham
Two GISC Coach Tickets to Coventry City v Gillingham - Sean Higgins
Gills Replica Shirt - Jim Redpath - Surrey
Bottle of Lambrini - Gary Piper - PayPal
GFC Diary - Anna Howard - Gillingham
GFC Calendar - Mr and Mrs R J Willson - Rainham
Gills Air Fresher - Bruce and Marji McDonald - Milton Keynes
Gills Pint Glass - Sarah Martin - PayPal
Gills mouse mat - J Thompson - Gillingham
Box of celebrations - Bill Woollett - Rochester
Minature bottles - Dean Sutcliffe - Brasenose Club
Thanks again for all your support. The committee will contact all winners to arrange delivery / collection of your prize(s). If you are one of the lucky winners you can also email to claim your prize(s).